Ammira Mare maisonette Guide
Αs soon as you enter Agia Pelagia, you will search for Kapsis hotel and Psaromoura beach. Psaromoura Beach is on the left of Kapsis hotel and that’s where Ammira Mare is.
You will head to the road of Psaromoura and you will see a super market named “Star” and a Street food shop (photo 1).

Exactly opposite them you will see a road with a few signs (photo 2).

You follow that road and after about 50 meters you will see on your left hand a Kladissos Villa sign (photo 3) which is a house exactly before Ammira Mare.

Exactly after Kladissos, there is a large plot of land on your left hand.
I suggest you park there (photo 4). You can also park inside the Ammira Mare (follow the small road exactly after the plot of land) but there is not much space and you might need to do a few maneuvers to get in or out.

Have in mind that Ammira Mare is about 20 meters before the parking of Psaromoura Beach. So if you search for Psaromoura beach you can find it easily! The road doesn’t have a specific name but if you follow my instructions, I am 100% sure you can find it! Ammira Mare has also a sign near its entrance (photo 5).

The following image shows the place of where the key is in case i won’t be able to be there on your arrival.
On the right of the main gate, there is a lockbox(photo 6) and thats where the key of the main gate are. You do not take this keys with you, you just use them to open the main gate!!!

The apartment is the one with the number 1:

You can also have a look at the map from google maps!Check it out in the photo:

If you need further assistance, you can always contact me!!